Ahmad Awais



Ahmad Awais Ahmad Awais

Founder & CEO at Langbase.com · Ex VP DevRel Rapid · Google Developers Advisory Board (gDAB) founding member. 🧑‍💻 AI/ML/DevTools Angel InvestorAI/ML Advisory Board member San Francisco, DevNetwork 🎩 Award-winning Open Source Engineer & Dev Advocate 🦊 Google Developers Expert Web DevRel 🚀 NASA Mars Ingenuity Helicopter mission code contributor 🏆 8th GitHub Stars Award recipient with 3x GitHub Stars Award (Listed as GitHub's #1 JavaScript trending developer). 🌳 Node.js foundation Community Committee Outreach Lead, Member Linux Foundation, OpenAPI Business Governing Board, and DigitalOcean Navigator. 📟 Teaching thousands of developers Node.js CLI Automation (100 videos · 22 Projects) & VSCode.pro course. Over 142 Million views, 22 yrs Blogging, 56K developers learning, 200+ FOSS. ✌️ Author of various open-source dev-tools and software libraries utilized by millions of developers worldwide WordPress Core Developer 📣 TEDx Speaker with 100+ international talks. As quoted by: Satya Nadella · CEO of Microsoft — Awais is an awesome example for developers. 🙌 Leading developers and publishing technical content for over a decade 💜 Loves his wife (Maedah) ❯ Read more about Ahmad Awais. 👋… Awais is mostly active on Twitter @MrAhmadAwais

Accomplished engineering leader; who loves the purple color.
purple is genius!

I like computers, problems, and using the former to solve the latter. I believe in elegance over adequacy, thoughtfulness over impulse, and the wonder of the world as we see it. I have been developing and designing web pages since the early days of tables and spacers. And no – I’ve never used the scrolling marquee with Comic Sans fonts. 😅

Millions of developers use Ahmad Awais Code

Code Your First Shortcode in WordPress

Shortcode API in WordPress is fun. It helps you create small tags to address a chunk of code. All you do is write some [tag] and it returns the HTML/CSS/PHP code which you have saved inside it. Shortcodes can be used both in the Visual & the Text tab of your post/page editor. Let’s build a basic shortcode. Building shortcodes is [...]

Ahmad AwaisAhmad Awais

Clean Slate

👋 Hello, there. It’s Ahmad Awais. I’ve been blogging since 2001. I remember the year 2003 UEFA Champions League vividly, and I felt compelled to share my enthusiasm with the world wide web. One thing led to another, and I started tech blogging. Early in childhood, I had this untiring curiosity to try & learn almost anything [...]

Ahmad AwaisAhmad Awais