Ahmad Awais



WordPress-React Breakup: My Vue on P*react + WordPress Development!

Ahmad AwaisAhmad Awais

ReactJS and WordPress are breaking up. Matt Mullenweg (co-founder of WordPress) announced is it today.

I was half asleep when I read the announcement and since then I have commented, created a Twitter Poll, a Facebook poll/thread, started a Gutenberg issue Choosing the JavaScript Framework for Gutenberg (~WordPress), and now I am writing this post. It’s an exciting news.

Since I believe the community is moving in the right direction here — this issue is where one could share their thoughts about different JavaScript Frameworks for Gutenberg (that goes into the WordPress Core).

🚢 JavaScript Frameworks#

IMHO there are two prominent contenders here.

  1. VueJS
  2. Preact
  3. Other options (AngularEmberPolymerAurelia, etc.)

Just to kick-start the discussion, here’re a few thoughts from the top of my head.

⚡️ VueJS:#

🎯 I truly believe that WordPress can do a lot better with VueJS. VueJS has a huge set of followers and it’s easier for beginners to adopt. This can also turn into a big win for WordPress if done right. I have used VueJS myself, in several projects, and I love it.

Also, a framework that’s used outside of WP (such as Vue and its integration with Laravel), allows developers to use their experience in WP projects and non-WP projects.

There’s already a large cross-over of Laravel/WP devs, so having the same js framework makes a lot of sense as those devs can contribute to help drive Laravel, Vue, and WP forward all at the same time. — Jason Bahl.

⚡️ PreactJS:#

While PreactJS has its benefits, I am not the right person to ask for an opinion about it (since I have only slightly used Preact in two small projects). Though, it does look like that transitioning from React to Preact is very easy. That can motivate developers to chose Preact. I think this would be the wrong reason to chose it.

🤔 I think this would be the wrong reason to chose it. It will only confuse the developers trying to adapt to this whole new eco-system of JavaScript frameworks, node modules, Webpack, and now aliasing Preact over React? Which could also lead to the code smells. Messier code.


Which JavaScript Framework you think is the right choice? Comment below!#

Or you can Tweet your thoughts, share your explanation on Facebook, and drop by in this issue at Gutenberg’s GitHub repository.

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Comments 4
  • Sören Wrede
    Posted on

    Sören Wrede Sören Wrede

    Reply Author

    Hey ahmad, thanks for your writeup.
    One addition: the OpenCollective is an annual budget and patreon is per month. Vue.js is quite new on OpenCollective, they announced it 4 days ago.

    • Ahmad Awais
      Posted on

      Ahmad Awais Ahmad Awais

      Reply Author

      Thanks for the info, I knew something was wrong there. I’ll add that to the article.

  • eay
    Posted on

    eay eay

    Reply Author

    Yep, I agree. +1 for Vue.

    • Michael Hannigan
      Posted on

      Michael Hannigan Michael Hannigan

      Reply Author

      The best thing to do, rather than the **** 1+ reply, would be to vote in the Twitter Pole. Thanks.