Ahmad Awais



Quick Tip: Update an outdated fork on GitHub with a click

Ahmad AwaisAhmad Awais

Developers fork repositories and forget about them. I mean until they need it again. But git’s moved on by then — your fork is probably suffering the same fate which is why you’re reading this. How should I update an outdated fork?

Before today you had to do the following:

git remote add upstream <clone-url>
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git reset --hard upstream/master
git push --force origin master

Well, worry no more. You don’t have to do any of that since today!

Here’s how to update an outdated fork in 2021 …#

  1. Go to your GitHub fork repo on GitHub
  2. Find the Fetch upstream button/menu
  3. Click Fetch and merge — and we’re done

How to Update an Outdated Fork on GitHub With a Single Click

Thank you, GitHub for this one. Super useful.

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As quoted by: Satya Nadella · CEO of Microsoft — Awais is an awesome example for developers.
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