Hey there, YOU ARE WRONG!!! (Yes! this is a strongly opinionated article, my opinion, which might not get me featured atΒ Smashing Magazine, but it’s totally worth your time).
Being Human? Are You?#
Stop jerking around and start working over something which really matters. You cannot live your life over ideas you feel passionate about. You need to define a particular goal, then work over a particular skill to achieve that goal, then you need to build products. Build minimum viable products call them side projects.Β Users’ feedback will guide you towards the improvement of your portfolio. Remind yourself again and again, what is your agenda, what is your goal. I myself get distracted in a week or two, it’s called being human.
Be Precise#
Think of something which can make you realize what’s wrong. Never sacrifice your ethics over success, never earn the way you feel bad about. When something feels wrong, try to find something or someone to reset yourself, be it by calling your mother by talking about it, or anyone else. Make sure, you keep working for one and one single goal.
Years will pass by, things you once felt passionate about will no more make you motivated enough to feed your creative sense, be predictive about such conditions, find solutions or talk to someone who might have been through such conditions in their lives. You gotta try hard, you gotta make it work, you need to make it work. Be that precise about one single goal in your life.
If you think your startup will make you successful, define what success means to you. You’ll be amazed how aimless you were before defining what success meant to you. Is it Money? Is it Building something? Is it having something? What is it?
How Much You Want to Earn in Your Life?#
Do the math, take your case in your hands. Predict the next 60 years of your life. You might be thinking, what did you just say? The next 720 months you plan to live. Think of your expenses. Think what an ideal monthly expense means to you? How much would you want to spend per month without thinking twice? Multiply that number with 720 months (equals to 60 years). The answer to this question will tell you how much you want to earn in your life. You’ll be amazed becauseΒ it would be pretty low (most certainly if you are an optimist). You’ll feel motivated enough, you will find yourself in a position to achieve it, heck you might even think of beating this target. How about you meet this target in the next 30 years instead of 60.
Let’S Put an End to This#
I can go on and talk a lot more. But I think it’s enough free advice for one day. Then again, I need to shift my focus back to what I should be doing. It’s an opinion piece, don’t get confused, just do it. You need to exist before you want to grow. You can only grow if you exist in the market. How about you start today and build something in aΒ single week, or be it a month.
Have any comments? Rants? What else? Shoot away!
I never read such strong and full of knowledge words before I think as a Asian guy we all must read and understand what Ahmad Awais want to tell us. It is not the words of mind but it emerges from the heart.
I am specially thankful to the writer of this encouraging article.
Best Regard
I get queries like these a lot. I think there is no guidance at when it comes to the confusion about choosing the right career path. I’d give anything to get back all those years I spent working without a workflow, without the right goal, goals which do not matter any more. I hope this article helps.
This right here is one of the best pieces of advices I ever read.
Amazing!!! Thanks for sharing!
I don’t normally comment at blogs, but this article is provoking. Thanks for what you shared. Keep sharing.
In short,I would rather say:-
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude
Ahmad Awais I have had been following for quite some time now. You are my role model. I wish to be like you. I want you to know that your selfless sharing is appreciated a lot here.
Truly amazing. We have to prioritize our goals. Without it we can’t achieve anything.
You should have one single goal. Not goals. That’s all about it.
Great Ahmad Awais bro!
You’ve re-started the spark inside many like me.
Million prayers and best wishes for you.
From a couple of days, I’m again trying to stay focused (and this time focusing more on my study), wish me luck :)
I am willing to start developing very soon (right after the exam-session)
Thanks for the advice. Your experience is worth a lot. I’d recommend people at Smashing Magazine to share it, at their social accounts. It is totally worth it.
As we are allowed to be as much opinionated as we can so I would say that this post would never age and would never be considered outdated. Some of my takeaways are, everyone of us are somewhat going through this stage, keeping up with goal all the time is become tedious and boredom but can be balanced with motivation and encouragement.
Such a brilliant article can be definitely featured on SmashingMagazine. ;) Thumbs up!
Excellent advice to all the new developers and the experienced ones. In fact, these life skills are required for a successful career. Thanks for your encouraging and motivating words.