Just now, I was banging my head on the table trying to figure out how to renew or manually reissue a new free SSL certificate for a...
Find articles, blogs, content, and tutorials about all things world wide web by Ahmad Awais.
Vercel + Cloudflare Domain Setup (formerly ZEIT)
ZEIT is awesome, so is Cloudflare. Learn how to set up a Cloudflare domain with ZEIT Now with full SSL and CDN capabilities. Set up the domain and test if it works well.
Ahmad AwaisShallow Clone a Large Git Repository Quickly
Learn how to git shallow clone in case of big git repositories and only download the latest n commits from a single branch you specify.
Ahmad AwaisIntroducing Continuous Deployment for WordPress Plugins with GitHub Actions
Use wp-console-deployment to set up an instant GitHub to WordPress.org SVN deployment pipeline with incredibly powerful GitHub Actions.
Ahmad AwaisJAMstack: The Elegance of Markdown, Education, and Simplification
I had the pleasure of talking with Bryan Robinson on his podcast called That's My JAM...stack. Cool name, right. I talked about how much I love Markdown, the apparent divide in the JAMstack community, decisions not options, and whatnot.
Ahmad AwaisWhat to Expect from the JAMstack in 2020
I was recently interviewed by Brian Rinaldi about JAMstack’s future in 2020. It was originally posted on StackBit’s blog β Ahmad Awais shares what changes we saw in the JAMstack ecosystem in 2019 and what he expects for 2020. What to Expect from the JAMstack in 2020 – Ahmad Awais 2019 definitely seemed to be a pivotal year [...]
Ahmad AwaisHow to Start Contributing to Open Source for Hacktoberfest With a Github Pull Request
As a full-time #OpenSourcerer β October is one of my favorite months. And it’s October already. Today’s #OneDevMinute is about #Hacktoberfest β it’s a month-long online event where you signup at GitHub.com and Hacktoberfest to celebrate Open Source by contributing at least four times between the October 1-31. Let me help [...]
Ahmad AwaisSyntax Highlighting with Shades of Purple theme in WordPress
Add Shades of Purple theme-based syntax highlighting to your WordPress blog with the help of Prism.js syntax highlighter and enjoy high-quality code coloring that improves your blog readability.
Ahmad AwaisResize & Optimize Images With JavaScript in Node.js
Learn how I resize and optimize images with JavaScript in Node.js. You can either do it yourself or install the resize-optimize-images node module and get it done.
Ahmad AwaisCloudflare Registrar: What the WebDev/Blogger in Me Is Super Happy About?!
A couple of hours ago, Cloudflare β the company that has helped me save thousands of dollars in hosting fee since 2011 β announced Cloudflare Registrar. Yes, Yes Yes! Heard that right. β Many of the regular readers of my blogs already know the fact that I started as a blogger, grew up becoming an electrical engineer, and on the side [...]
Ahmad AwaisMicrosoft GitHub Acquisition: Thoughts of a Full-time Open Source Developer
I am a full-time open source developer working as a core developer of WordPress contributed to every single major version for the last couple of years. I am also well versed in JavaScript/Node.js ecosystem and have a deep interest in DevOps, Cloud, and the new serverless tech. I care very deeply about Developer Experience and most of my open [...]
Ahmad Awais