๐ Hello, there.
It’s Ahmad Awais. I’ve been blogging since 2001. I remember the year 2003 UEFA Champions League vividly, and I felt compelled to share my enthusiasm with the world wide web.
๐ Hello, there.
It’s Ahmad Awais. I’ve been blogging since 2001. I remember the year 2003 UEFA Champions League vividly, and I felt compelled to share my enthusiasm with the world wide web.
One thing led to another, and I started tech blogging. Early in childhood, I had this untiring curiosity to try & learn almost anything I could lay my hands on. I fantasized about the idea of becoming a scientist who could invent things.
I wrote my first piece of code with visual Basic. I created a custom tip calculator with a UI, and my friends were in awe. Then I learned to design its logo and named it. The first thing I got to invent and name.
Over the years, I learned 20+ different programming languages, a bunch of design tools and mustered an unfettered ability to share what I was doing through writing blogs.
I have registered hundreds of domains and built at least two dozen different blogs over the years. I tried to do it all and all at once. At that time, the point I was missing was; to attempting mastery of everything inevitably makes us mediocre in many areas.
So, a couple of years ago, I decided to archive most of my old content (much of it felt a bit immature and embarrassing, to be honest, haha) and start with a clean slate. Of course, that clean state is AhmadAwais.com.
I’ve published content and got featured with bylines at some of the most prominent media outlets and industry tech blogs like Tech Crunch, Forbes, SmashingMagazine, CSS-Tricks, Envato Tuts+, SitePoint, and several other excellent blogs. Hence a verified social media profile on Twitter.
Anyhoo, that’s about it. Writing this to remember the day I archived and unpublished 1738 posts of all the random thoughts I had before now. I hope to be more organized from now on.
Nice to meet you! ๐
Stay ahead in the web dev community with Ahmad's expert insights on open-source, developer relations, dev-tools, and side-hustles. Insider-email-only-content. Don't miss out - subscirbe for a dose of professional advice and a dash of humor. No spam, pinky-promise!
Looking forward to get to know more about you. Keep us posted!
Yeah, let’s just hope so, I keep posting stuff here :)
150K?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcNblEqwUGE :P
Anyway, all the best in future! Looking forward for more from you. Keep up the good work.
Yup, 75% of them are using my open source products :) E.g. WP Mashsocial Widget has more than 30K users.
Great Article!
My question: would you suggest a person who is just like you and is always curious about new stuff, the advice to go explore as much as he can before settling? Let it come naturally to you or should one start fixating on something ASAP without any delay and make his path from that point on?
Read this https://ahmadawais.com/internet-marketing-vs-development-design/