Just now, I was banging my head on the table trying to figure out how to renew or manually reissue a new free SSL certificate for a...
Introducing ReSass β A Sassy Responsive Mixin for 8 Screen Sizes!
Sass SCSS Responsive Media Queries Mixin for Eight Different Screen Sizes! π»π±π₯
Ahmad AwaisBEM CSS Basics for WordPress Themes Developers
BEM is a logical standard of writing CSS it helps make CSS more Semantic. BEM's hierarchical naming convention helps a team of developers to understand the structure of a website to work uniformly and with harmony.
Ahmad AwaisHow I Am Using Particles.js to Build an Impressive Hero Unit
Hey folks! It’s been a while since I wrote a piece here. I’ve been very busy with a premium WordPress Framework which I am building from the ground up for about last ten months (which will probably never see the light of the day). While building it, I had to build an impressive hero block or unit whatever you call it nowadays. [...]
Ahmad Awais